Well, this morning started off a little slow. We were late getting up and seemd to have quite a difficult time getting going. Finally we pulled ourselves together and headed out the door to go to the kids' play group. Of course we were an hour late, but I thought it would be good to go anyhow, and let the kids burn off some steam.
What a wonderful idea! Everyone was co-operating with Mom, no fights or meltdowns! We managed to get to the mini van and get ourselves to group! YAY! Oh what awonderful time we were all having! This is a lovely group, that we don't get to nearly as often as we would like to. Great kids, lots for them to do, a great social interaction for the kids. Wonderful for old Mom as well...all the Moms at group are so friendly and really geniunely nice people.
Definately shaping up to be a good day. Even as we were getting ready to leave group this morning, which usually brings an epic battle and enevitable meltdowns, we were making great headway. Child co-operation, no freak outs or fights. How nice:) All of a sudden, there was a collision with Brooklyn and a little boy. MAYHEM. So much for the good day! There was blood everywhere and injuries on both sides! Just terrible! Everyone got cleaned up and consoled, and in the end everyone survived.
Unfortunately, this incident put a new twist on our day. Poor little Brooklyn has been so upset and hurting all day. Hard stuff to get over I guess. Poor little thing! The day is starting to look up again though!
In an effort to get Brooklyn back to her old self, and to help heal her little wound, Mommy has decided that Pancakes are in order for dinner tonight. They are her favourite! To be quite honest I really don't mind what most people would think an odd dinner menu choice. I LOVE LOVE LOVE breakfast food! If I had it my way, 90% of our diet would consist of breakfast food. Alas this is not the case, so I will enjoy the nice little treat for tonight! I hope you all enjoy it too!
Grammy's poor little girl!